To offer more comfortable imaging experiences, Samsung introduces new flagship detector, AccE
Glass-Free Detector.
It is designed to relieve users’ fatigue with ultra-lightweight by replacing a glass-based substrate
with a non-glass flexible panel.
This glass-free technology not only makes it 27% lighter than the conventionalmodel¹,
but also does not compromise the image quality with high DQE (76% @0lp/mm).
AccE Detector is Samsung’s premium detector line-up
improving on durability, environmental protection and ergonomics to enrich the user experience.
IP54 (IEC 60529)
To offer optimized image quality, Samsung introduce AccE Standard Detector that broaden
customers’ choice of CsI detectors.
This latest lineup will meet various clinical needs for sizes.
Enhanced load
allowance along with dust and
water resistance allows
the detector to be actively implemented in versatile environments such as ER and OR.