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Simple transfer of fetal ultrasound images and clips


What is
HelloMom ?

HelloMom allows simple transfer of fetal ultrasound images and clips wirelessly from the ultrasound system to an external device. Share the breathtaking images of fetus with family and friends in a just few clicks.

* ADVR Option is required to use HelloMom
(HERA W10, W9, I10 / WS80A / HS70A)

How to Use

It provides simple and convenient workflow for the doctors (sonographers) and the pregnant women.

Doctors & Sonographers
Doctors & Sonographers
Doctors & Sonographers
Pregnant Women & Family
Pregnant Women & Family
Pregnant Women & Family

HelloMom ?

For the doctors or sonographers, HelloMom™ reduces the time spent on sharing images by simply clicking on the “Export” button. In addition, doctors may stay worry-free from the costs of printing ultrasound images. For the pregnant women and family, there is no need to install an application to receive the images of your baby on your smartphone. The amazement is shared in real-time via Wi-Fi, even before you leave the examination room. Share the images along with the tremendous wonder you feel now, right away with SNS, text message, email, etc.

Doctors & Sonographers
Doctors & Sonographers
Doctors & Sonographers
Pregnant Women & Family
Pregnant Women & Family
Pregnant Women & Family
  • * This features, options are not commercially available in all countries. Due to regulatory reasons their future availability cannot be guaranteed.
    Please consult with your local Area Manager for details on purchase of HelloMom SW.

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