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LaborAssist™, Quantitative tool for fetal head progression on delivery

  • #Ultrasound System>Womens Health
  • writerSamsung Medison
  • date2020.06.10
Assessment of descent of the fetal head (progress of labor) has been relying mostly upon measuring cervical dilation (Figure 1) and the fetal head position (station) through a digital examination. However, the fetal station, a measurement of the fetal head position relative to the ischial spines by digital examination, is considered subjective and inaccurate, as it can be distorted by the presence of caput succedaneum (scalp edema). Digital examinations can also be uncomfortable and painful for the pregnant woman. Ultrasound examinations are mainly used during labor to determine the fetal persistent occiput posterior position (POPP); intrapartum transperineal ultrasound (Figure 2), in particular, is recommended for assessing the descent of the fetal head and deciding upon the mode of delivery [1]. An ultrasound examination is not only useful during labor, but also facilitates an easy measurement and a quantitative assessment, as it is non-invasive and requires relatively less skill to scan the patient.